This unofficial mod for Minecraft PE implements most of the Raspberry PI Minecraft API, allowing Minecraft PE to be controlled by Python code. The package also includes a number of sample Python scripts, including chess (play chess against your device in Minecraft; the script automatically downloads the Sunfish engine).This mod requires three other ingredients: (1) Minecraft PE, (2) BlockLauncher (or BlockLauncher Pro) and (3) QPython. It installs the mod for Minecraft PE, as well as a number of sample Python scripts (e.g., draw a waterfilled donut, draw a gigantic tree, etc.) It should support most of the scripts from OHanlon and Whales Adventures in Minecraft Book. Detailed instructions on how to use the mod are here: addition to supporting python scripts, once the mod is installed and Minecraft PE is running together with BlockLauncher, you can actually send photos and *.schematic files to Minecraft via RasperryJamMod. For photos, just share them with "Send to MCPE" in the gallery, and for *.schematic files, just open them from a file manager. In both cases make sure you have a world open. This is an experimental feature and may not always work.